
ROSMower has been equipped with an Adafruit BNO085 IMU, which comes with some build-in sensor fusion algorithm. By this, we don’t need to fuse data by our own.

I mounted the sensor at the rear end of PCB box. It connects to NVidia Jetson or RaspberryPI by I2C interface. To do so connect the sensor like this

Sensor Pin GPIO 40 pin header Jetson/PI4
VCC 3.3V Pin1, 3.3V
SDA Pin3, SDA1
SCL Pin5, SCL1

I2C hints

you can use i2cdetect -y -r 1 command to find device address. However default address will be 4A.

Installation instructions

If you use ROS noetic, you can simply install necessary driver provided by adafruit with this command sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-bno08x

Additional steps for melodic

If you use ROS Melodic, some additional steps needs to be taken. This is caused by different Python versions between Meldoic and Noetic. First install

sudo apt-get install python3-catkin-pkg-modules

Adafruit provides detailled instructions on how to [install circuit python found here] (

After that, you need to switch back your python environment to Python 2 using this command sudo update-alternatives --config python

ROS driver

ROS driver can be found here