
As already mentioned, HoverMower project describes how to build a lawn mower based on Hoverboard motors in general. You find instructions how to build the chassis to be prepared to add what ever you need. As I wanted to keep things independent of electronics, you will not find detailled instructions on how to get it working. It is up to you to add any electronics and software you want. It could be based on Ardumower, Liam mower, Teensy Mower, your custom firmware or even on ROS, like I plan to do.

However, for my own reference, I will add some instructions and details about how I build my robot. Be warned not to do it the same way as I’m not sure, if it ever will work.

As I want to control my HoverMower with ROS (robot operating system), I named it ROSMower. So when I’m talking about ROSMower, I mean a HoverMower controlled by ROS.

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